Drop-in sessions – Equivalence and Clinical Research Practitioners
We are hosting drop-in sessions for Clinical Research Practitioners and have just launched sessions for our Equivalence Process!
Equivalence Process Drop-in Sessions
We are delighted to launch drop-in sessions for our Equivalence process!
This is your opportunity to find out more about the application process, portfolios, interview support, or any other queries you may have.
You are welcome to join when you can, the meeting will be open for one hour. This is not a formal meeting, rather an opportunity for you to ask a quick question and have your answer straight away.
19th March 15.00 – 16.00 – Join the meeting now
24th April – 15.00 – 16.00 – Join the meeting now
14th May – 10.00 – 11.00 – Join the meeting now
17th June – 13.00 – 14.00 – Join the meeting now
Lynne Smith, Equivalence Advisor & STP Programme Lead and Marcia Owen, Equivalence Administrator look forward to meeting you.
Find out more about Equivalence here.
Clinical Research Practitioners Drop-in Sessions
We are delighted to share with you that we are hosting drop-in sessions for Clinical Research Practitioners who would like to know more about the Clinical Research Practitioner Directory, Experienced Practitioner Gateway or the PSA Accredited Register.
This is your opportunity to find out more about the application process, portfolios, writing reflections, or any other queries you may have.
You are welcome to join when you can, within the hour. This is not a formal meeting, rather an opportunity for you to ask a quick question and have your answer straight away.
New dates to follow
Milly Brittain, AHCS CRP Project Administrator and colleagues from the National Institute for Health and Care Research look forward to meeting you.
Find out more about Clinical Research Practitioners here.