Review of PSA Standards: Have your say
The Professional Standards Authority (PSA) have circulated the below invitation to have you say in the review of PSA Standard. See below for how to be involved.
We want to hear your views on whether the standards we use to protect the public are working well and will be fit for the future. Today, we’re launching a three-month consultation on the Standards we use to assess the performance of organisations that register health and social care practitioners; the Standards for Accredited Registers and Standards for Good Regulation.
The Standards are two of the most important tools we use to check that vital parts of the system of public protection around health and social care are working as they should. We want to hear views about whether the standards are looking for the right things to assess performance and drive improvement in regulation and registration of health and social care practitioners.
Alongside this consultation we are also launching a call for evidence on regulation and registration. We want to collect the best available evidence to shape our thoughts about the future of public protection and our revised Standards.
Use the links below to find out more about the consultation and call for evidence, including how to reply.
Consultation on reviewing our Standards | PSA
PSA Standards Review – Call for Evidence
The consultation and call for evidence will be open until 8 May 2025.