AHCS Chair’s Awards for Excellence
Chair’s Awards for Excellence 2024
Chair, John Stevens, awarded new Chair’s Awards for Excellence on 20th May 2024 to recognise and acknowledge outstanding contributions from individuals towards the development of the profession, patient safety and the Academy for Healthcare Science.
Patient Safety
Michael Guthrie
Michael is a Lay Member for the Academy and was Director of Policy and Standards for the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and was also interim CEO at RCCP.
Christine Braithwaite
Christine is the Director of Standards and Policy at the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).
Paul Lawton
Paul has been a longstanding supporter of the Academy for Healthcare Science, formerly working as Head of Regulation Services. Now Paul is assistant to the Chief Executive Office for AHCS.
Professor Barry Hirst
Barry is currently chair of the AHCS Education Training & Standards Committee and sits on the Regulation Board as a lay member.
Healthcare Science Leadership
Keith Ison
Keith has worked with the Academy for a number of years and has supported the AHCS Leadership Journal as Editor.
Professor Stephen O’Connor
Professor Stephen is a former IPEM President and has worked closely with the Healthcare Science Leadership Journal, sitting on the editorial board. Stephen has also played a large role as the organiser Academy Webinar series’, which are still ongoing today.
Workforce Transformation
Dr Sarah Bant
Sarah is the Associate Director of Workforce Transformation, Healthcare Science, Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) & the honorary Principal Clinical Scientist in Audiology, BCUHB.
Dr Lisa Ayers
Lisa is the current Interim Head of the National School of Healthcare Science (NSHCS).
Dr Janice Paterson
Janice is the Workforce Strategy Lead at NIHR Clinical Research Network National Coordinating Centre.
Peter Bill
Peter is currently Head of Neurophysiology at Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS foundation Trust and occupies the lead Healthcare Scientist role for the Trust and now the West Midlands.
Yvonne McKenzie
Yvonne has shown outstanding dedication to AHCS working within Equivalence. She became a Patient Advocate, working with the NHS via The Carers Foundation.
Basit Abdul
Basit has completed fantastic work in Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, most recently on a joint Academy and CSO within NHS England project.
Professor Brian Gomes da Costa
Professor Brian has shown longstanding commitment to AHCS in involvement with Equivalence as a Lay Assessor and Chair. He also sat on many committees in a Lay role and has supported the Academy in a number of ways.

Chair’s Awards for Excellence 2023
AHCS Chair, John Stevens, was delighted to present Chair’s Awards for Excellence to this year’s nominees.
Ruth Thomsen:
Ruth is the Scientific Director, NHSE London. Ruth has instigated the Practical Skills in Education and Leadership course, which has been delivered to over 500 healthcare scientists since implementation.
Nicki Dill:
From a clinical background and possessing over 28 years’ experience in the UK/International Medical Device Industry, including 23 years’ management experience in Anaesthesia, Respiratory and Critical Care, I have a proven track record of effective engagement with key stakeholders and delivering innovation.
As Managing Director, working in close partnership with the NHS, including the Academic Health Science Networks, as well as with numerous professional bodies and organisations.
Currently running as Chair of the Life Science Industry Registration Council, and as Chair for Barema, the Association for Anaesthetic and Respiratory Device Suppliers, representing this Association on the AAGBI Safety Committee.
Anthea Mould:
Anthea Mould is Director of Organisational Development and Learning at the NIHR Clinical Research Network. Spending more than 15 years as a practicing clinical pharmacist in Hospital, Industry and Community settings before moving into a variety of senior roles predominantly in health and research, Anthea has many years’ experience of senior leadership in healthcare with qualifications from Wales, Durham and Sussex and is a certified Organisation Development Practitioner.
Adrian Carragher:
Adrian Carragher was appointed to the NHS Ayrshire & Arran Board on 18 August 2019 in his capacity as the elected Chair of Area Clinical Forum.
Adrian has been an audiologist for over 30 years and has enjoyed a varied career in both the Scottish NHS and the Hearing Aid Industry.
Ian Shackell:
Ian has extensive experience in risk management, regulation, governance and finance, particularly in the insurance industry. He was a senior manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers and has since been Head of Internal Audit at Aviva and has served on various Boards including Amlin Underwriting from 2000 to 2006 and Cardiff Pinnacle (BNP Paribas Group) from 2008 to 2010.
Ian has since provided senior interim management services to many large organisations particularly in risk management, corporate governance and compliance and now acts as a consultant and mentor. Ian is a Chartered Director and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He holds a BA from Leeds University.
Ian has served as a Lay rep on the AHCS Registration Council, and latterly the AHCS Regulation Board, for many years and his support and commitment to the regulatory and governance function of the AHCS has been invaluable.
Stuart Grasar:
Previous roles include a lecturer at Nottingham College, Trustee of League of Hospital Friends and a Non-Executive Director of the Sherwood Trust.
Stuart has been a lay assessor for AHCS since 2011, providing support and knowledge to this role through numerous equivalence applicants.
Chair’s Awards for Excellence 2019
The Chair’s Awards for Excellence are presented as a way of thanking people who have helped Scientists or the Academy (or both) to continue having an impact.
John Stevens, Chair, said “We feel it is important to acknowledge and thank those who have made contributions to the Academy”.
Awards were presented to:
Professor Brendan Cooper
John said “As President, Brendan performs this role in a voluntary capacity, as well as providing a clinical service for patients, volunteering in Nepal and so on. Brendan has provided a good start as President and worked hard to bring the Professional Bodies together. This is my opportunity to thank him”.
Patricia le Rolland
John said “Specifically I would like to acknowledge Pat’s input on Regulation and Governance. Pat has been instrumental in supporting and advising on all things relating to our Registers. The team have really appreciated her input and support, for us she is a regulation guru. Thank you, Pat”.
Shelley Heard
John said “Shelley has been instrumental in supporting the advancement of the profession and I felt it important to acknowledge all of her work and wisdom. If you remember Shelley’s role in MSC and specifically HSST, and she continues to support the advancement of the profession in her other leadership roles. I want to formally thank Shelley for her ongoing contribution and dedication”.
Brian Campbell
John said “Brian has contributed to the work of the Academy in many areas. He is approachable and is seen to have significant leadership qualities”.
Elaine Jenkins
John said “Elaine has played a significant role in the Academy in working with the School, HCPC and on the licensing arrangement. Elaine has refined equivalence and has been instrumental in our work with NIHR and on Advancing Clinical Practice. Elaine’s commitment is felt to be over and above what would be expected. She is an excellent team player and I want to acknowledge that”.
Alan Birks
John said “ Alan has worked with the team on the Life Science Industry Register and has chaired the Education Group and brokered many areas for us. Latterly, Alan has been instrumental in spreading the word about the LSI Register. Alan’s award is to thank him for giving up a lot of his time (his retirement time!) to continue supporting this work”.
Helen Rimington
John said “Helen has been instrumental in getting the Academy started. She has been a prolific assessor and contributed to many of the initial documents. I wanted to ensure we acknowledged Helen’s contribution and thanked her”.