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Clinical Research Practitioners

About the Directory

Clinical Research Practitioners (CRPs) are a vital part of the research workforce. They work in the United Kingdom within research delivery roles that have a patient/participant facing element within clinical environments and other health and social care settings.

CRP activities can include being involved with:

  • Undertaking research study, ensuring participants understand the nature of the research and its risks
  • Identification, screening and randomisation of research study participants
  • Patient care, including Investigational Medicinal Product (IMP) storage/supply and clinical sample processing*clinical research operations, development, regulation and ethics processes
  • Ensuring high quality data input at source and its management through a research workflow
  • Communicating across boundaries to maintain relationships that secure investment in research across all clinical specialties and care setting

Join the Directory

Joining the Directory is the first stage for you as a Clinical Research Practitioner (CRP) to join the AHCS Accredited Register for CRPs *. By joining the Directory, you are putting your intention forward to make an application to join the Register.

The Directory provides a platform for pre-registered and registered CRPs to connect with each other and receive information and support about developments within their profession.

Since the launch in 2018 the Directory has grown significantly, and currently lists a community of over 2,300 members committed to development of this emerging profession.

* N.B. Joining the CRP Directory, or seeking to join the CRP Register, will not normally serve statutory registered professionals involved in delivery of research as they will already be best served by their existing regulator and/or professional body.

You can apply if you are:

  • Intending to join the AHCS Accredited Register for CRPs.
  • Not already registered to a healthcare profession*.
  • A registered, or previously registered, healthcare professional looking join the CRP Register in relation to a transition in their individual scope of practice*.
  • Working in a research delivery role that involves direct contact with patients, or other study participants, in a clinical environment or other health and social care research setting in the UK.

A listing on the CRP Directory does not guarantee eligibility to join the CRP Register.

* Joining the CRP Directory will not normally benefit you if you are a statutory registered professional involved in delivery of research.  You should stay with your existing regulator and/or professional body. However, if your scope of practice is transitioning to that of a CRP, it may be possible for you to hold dual registration and we will consider your application if you ask us to.

If you are unsure if you are eligible to join the CRP Directory, please email

Benefits of joining the Directory are:

  • Public visibility of your listing on the CRP Directory.
  • Opportunity to be part of the Academy for Healthcare Science and connection to the wider Healthcare Science workforce.
  • Opportunity to identify and connect with other CRPs in your area through NIHR online forums.
  • Ability to influence and contribute to further developments of your CRP profession.
  • Being informed about the latest information about the developments of your professional role and news regarding both AHCS and NIHR *.

* Being part of the Directory, you will receive newsletters by email, and this includes local and national event information. In addition, opportunities available including the annual awards for CRPs, national CRP meetings and drop-in sessions available to help support you through registration.

Application Guidance

The Frequently Asked Questions will answer some of the questions you may have, and help you complete your application.

If there is something we haven’t covered, please email for additional help.

Search the Directory

Details of every directory member who meets our standards and requirements for the directory will be publicly available on all parts of our directory, unless there are exceptional circumstances which could affect their safety or put them at risk in some way.

Register by using one or more of the following parameters:

  • Name,
  • ID,
  • Town / City (where the members employer is based).

And then select SEARCH.

UK GDPR legislation means we are unable to share with you any other information about our membership.

If the person you are looking for is not shown on our directory, they may be:

  • an applicant still applying for the directory.
  • on another directory or student register.


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