Education & Training
The AHCS quality assures education and training that leads to entry onto our Register accredited by the Professional Standards Authority.
We do this in several ways:
- Through the accreditation of higher education programmes either directly or in conjunction with the National School of Healthcare Science (NSHCS), including the Practitioner Training Programs and the Higher Specialist Scientist Training programmes
- Via our Standards of Education and Training which underpin the accreditation process
- By ensuring education and training programmes leading to registration map to the Academy’s relevant Standards of Proficiency and Good Scientific Practice.
All our quality assurance work is underpinned by the Quality Assurance Framework.
The Academy quality assures the accreditation process and subsequent annual monitoring processes undertaken by the NSHCS by observing a sample of accreditation visits and desk-based activity. Where the accreditation process is undertaken by the Academy directly, a senior member of AHCS staff, normally the Head of Accreditation is a member of the accreditation panel.
Outcomes of all quality assurance activities are reported to the AHCS Education, Training and Standards Committee for consideration.
Using Generative Artificial Intelligence
The use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing rapidly. AI can be used for a variety of purposes see for some examples. However Generative AI can be used in ethical and unethical ways. For example, it can be used as a source of inspiration and help create ideas, or as a source of information, or to help with planning and management.
In the context of assessment, however, the unethical use of Generative AI can be considered to be a form of plagiarism and therefore if found could lead to the rejection of an Equivalence application, or an application for the Clinical Research Practitioner Registration, or the Experience Practitioner Gateway.
If you are on an AHCS accredited programme, please also refer to your education provider’s guidance on the use of Generative AI.
For further details in relation to AHCS assessment processes please refer to the relevant guidance statement:
Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in AHCS Equivalence
Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in AHCS Clinical Research Practitioner Registration
Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in AHCS Experienced Practitioner Gateway
The AHCS is an approved education provider for STP Equivalence route
The Academy for Healthcare Science is a Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)-approved Education Provider for the Scientist Training Programme (STP) Certificate of Equivalence.
When equivalence is awarded by the AHCS on successful demonstration of equivalence to the output of the STP programme.
On award of the Certificate of Equivalence individuals are eligible to apply for registration with the HCPC with the protected title “Clinical Scientist”.
The Association of Clinical Scientists (ACS) and the Institute of Biomedical Science are also an HCPC-approved education providers for training leading to eligibility to apply to HCPC for registration as a Clinical Scientist.
Further information
STP Certificate of Equivalence Programme Handbook