Call Out for STP Equivalence Assessors
The recent HEE funding for STP Equivalence has resulted in an unprecedented response for the 200 funded applications.
We now need to expand our pool of assessors for the STP Equivalence process as a matter of urgency. You may be interested or might know of other colleagues who would like to be involved in assessing these new applicants.
We are specifically looking for assessors in the following specialties:
- Audiology
- Cardiac science (both imaging and heart rhythm)
- Critical Care
- Neurophysiology
- Ophthalmic & Vision Science
- Respiratory and sleep science
- Vascular science
Although we welcome interest in all healthcare science specialties.
The STP Equivalence process involves the assessment of a portfolio by a panel comprising two professional assessors (one specialist and one clinical), followed by an interview chaired by a lay assessor and normally conducted using MS Teams video-conferencing system.
The assessment of an applicant’s portfolio will usually take between one and two hours, and the interview process takes a maximum of two hours, including pre and post panel meetings. The assessment process is conducted online and support is provided by our Equivalence Administrator.
The portfolio assessment is made against the standards set out in the AHCS’ Good Scientific Practice with reference to the outcomes of the Scientist Training Programme which is accredited by the National School for Healthcare Science.
Assessors are usually on the HCPC Clinical Scientist register, from an appropriate specialism, in good standing with their registration and professional body, and currently working at an appropriate clinical level. An assessor may be asked to participate in the Equivalence assessment as a specialist or a clinical assessor, and although currently we are specifically seeking STP Equivalence assessors, we also have equivalence processes at Practitioner and Higher Specialist Scientist levels.
We are always tremendously grateful for the support we receive from our assessors and the crucial role they play in enabling our Equivalence processes to function smoothly. Their involvement demonstrates professionalism and a high-level role within the AHCS Equivalence team and benefits the Health Care Science profession as a whole.
Assessors do not receive a fee or salary, but the Academy does reimburse all reasonable expenses as outlined in our Policy, where applicable. Training is provided ahead of the first assessment, currently via a Teams meeting and there will always be support and refresher training available.
If you are interested and would like to apply, please email a copy of your CV to
The process for becoming an assessor currently involves:
- Supplying a copy of your CV, which is reviewed by the relevant AHCS Professional Group Lead or member of the AHCS Professional Council
- Once your appointment as an assessor is endorsed we will require you to sign our Code of Conduct form and
- Undertake assessor training, as detailed above