Our Membership

Criteria for Membership

Professional Bodies can apply to become a member of the Professional Bodies Council.  A Healthcare Science Professional Body is considered to be an organisation representing healthcare professionals who practice in one or more healthcare science specialism; the primary function of the organisation is to provide professional representation of its members. It is expected that the organisation will have a formalised structure, i.e. a representative lead (chair/president) and;

  • be a non-profit organisation;
  • seek to represent the interests of the individuals performing a Healthcare Science profession as listed above;
  • be a group of people in a learned occupation who are entrusted with maintaining control or oversight of the legitimate practice of the Healthcare Science occupation;
  • be a body acting to safeguard the public interest;
  • are involved in the development and monitoring of professional educational programmes,
  • the updating of skills, and development of certification which indicates that an individual possesses qualifications in the subject area
  • ensure the development of skills to meet professional standards and competencies and the maintenance of such.


A proposal for membership must be fully supported by the majority of the members of the Council; if there is a reasonable opposition to an inclusion of a professional body, this will be tabled as an Agenda item at the next meeting of the Council.

Click here to view the Professional Bodies Council Terms of Reference.

If your Professional Body is interested in becoming a member, please contact Will for more information –

Professional Body Organisations
https://labmed.org.uk Association for Laboratory Medicine ALM
https://www.artp.org.uk Association for Respiratory Technology and Physiology ARTP
https://www.aaptuk.org Association of Anatomical Pathology Technology AAPT
https://www.arcscientists.org Association of Clinical and Reproductive Scientists ARCS
https://www.bsg.org.uk/people/gi-physiologists Association of Gastrointestinal Physiologists AGIP
https://ansuk.org/ Association of Neurophysiological Scientists ANS
https://www.renaltech.net Association of Renal Technologists ART
https://www.baaudiology.org British Academy of Audiology BAA
https://bhrs.com British Heart Rhythm Society BHRS
https://briscev.wildapricot.org British Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision BriSCEV
https://www.bsecho.org British Society for Echocardiography BSE
https://bshi.org.uk British Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics BSHI
https://www.ibms.org/home Institute of Biomedical Science IBMS
https://www.impt.co.uk Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists IMPT
https://www.imi.org.uk Institute of Medical Illustrators IMI
https://www.ipem.ac.uk Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine IPEM
https://scst.org.uk Society for Cardiological Science and Technology SCST
https://www.svtgbi.org.uk Society for Vascular Technology of Great Britain & Ireland SVTGBI
Society of Critical Care Technologies SCCT
https://www.bnms.org.uk British Nuclear Medicine Society BNMS

Clinical Science Professional Bodies

Clinical scientists are statutory regulated healthcare professionals. The term ‘clinical scientist’ is a protected title in law, and all clinical scientists, whether working in the NHS, private or voluntary sectors must be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Clinical scientists perform specialist investigations for enabling the diagnosis and management of disease processes. They are often involved in cutting edge science, ground breaking research and technological innovation, providing expert care and high quality service to patients, leading to improvements in quality of life. They are fundamental to deciding the definitive diagnosis of a wide range of diseases, and use technological advances in order to drive improvements in longer term monitoring of disease. They often advise medical doctors on tests and interpret data using their understanding of disease processes underpinned by broader knowledge and experience within their specialist area of healthcare science.

The profession of clinical scientist can be subdivided into four main areas of practice; physiological sciences, life sciences, physical sciences and bioinformatics as set by the educational and training programmes led by the National School of Healthcare Science.

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