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Healthcare Science Associate Register

About the Register

The Healthcare Science Associate Register is AHCS accredited and is for people who have successfully completed the level 4 Healthcare Science Associate apprenticeship. The register recognises the significant contribution that this part of the workforce makes to health and care in the UK.

The register is called ‘AHCS accredited’ because at the moment we have not applied for accreditation by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).. The register will be run in the same way as our other register which are PSA accredited.

You are expected to work to the standards in our Good Scientific Practice document and our relevant Standards of Proficiency. Your title, name, specialty, and geographic location will be listed on the Healthcare Science Associate register which is available to the public on our website. Unless for safety reasons it is better not to.

We will consider applying for PSA accreditation once the register is established fully.

Join the Register

To join the Healthcare Science Associate Register (non-accredited), create your account below!

Guidance and FAQ’s

Briefing note about HCS Associate registration – We have provided a short briefing note about the register which includes some of the main frequently asked questions

Guidance for Applicants for HCS Associate Registration:  We have put some guidance together to help you with your application.

Standards of Proficiency – outlines the standards you must work to

Search the Register

Details of every registrant who meets our standards and requirements for registration will be publicly available on all parts of our Register, unless there are exceptional circumstances which could affect their safety or put them at risk in some way.


Register by using one or more of the following parameters:

  • Name
  • ID number
  • Specialism
  • Town (where the registrant’s employer is based)

And then select SEARCH.

UK GDPR legislation means we are unable to share with you any other information about our registrants.

It is also possible that our Registrant may hold dual registration with a statutory or other voluntary registration body, and you should make your own checks.


If the person you are looking for is not shown on our register, they may be:

  • an applicant still applying for registration.
  • on a directory or student register.
  • registered with another healthcare organisation (statutory or voluntary).

We will also show if there are any Actions or Sanctions against our Registrants following decisions taken by our Fitness to Practise Panels and Interim Orders Panels.


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