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Who can apply and application routes

The Clinical Research Practitioner register is for CRPs who can demonstrate that they are working at practitioner level defined as level 5 and above of the 9 level Skills for Health Career Framework.

Applicants must have at least one year of experience working at practitioner level in addition to the educational requirements and any experience working at an entry/assistant level research delivery role.

N.B. 1. CRPs may have ‘assistant’ in their job title and be working at an experienced practitioner level. The level of experience and knowledge are the criteria for joining the register and not Agenda for Change (AfC) bandings or job titles. Please see guidance documents for further information;

2. Seeking to join the CRP Register will not serve statutory registered professionals involved in delivery of research as they will already be best served by their existing regulator and/or professional body.  Where individual scope of practice is transitioning to that of a CRP, and dual registration, or registration solely on the AHCS Accredited Register may be appropriate, this will be considered by AHCS on a case-by-case basis.

Current education requirements require applicants to provide evidence that they have a minimum of level 6 education (degree or equivalent) as defined by the UK qualifications framework.   Alternatively, applicants would have to gain a pass through the Experienced Practitioner Gateway within six months in order to be eligible to submit a Register application.

Applicants who gained their educational qualification overseas will need to provide a statement of comparability in line with UK ENIC requirements. The Statement of Comparability from the UK ENIC needs to be uploaded into the application.

The routes to registration are summarised below:

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