Maintaining registration

To complete your renewal, you will need to:

  • Reconfirm or update your Personal Details
  • Reconfirm or update your Career Details
  • Sign the Declaration
  • Reconfirm the Good Character & Health statements
  • Revalidate Direct Debit details

It is important to remember that maintaining registration demonstrates that you are ‘fit to practise’ and committed to protecting patients, healthcare staff and the general public.  Registration requirements apply throughout the year and are not just a ‘tick box’ exercise at the time of initial application.

If you do not complete the renewal process by the renewal date, you will be removed from the public register.  You will be notified by email if you have been removed from the Register.   If you decide to rejoin the register within a 2 year period of being removed, a late renewal fee of £20 will apply in addition to the usual registration fee.

As part of your commitment to registration, you are agreeing to keep records of your Continuing Professional Development activity during the past registration year and these activities can be audited by the AHCS.   Please refer to the Continuing Professional Development: Standards and Guidance document for further information.

Guide for RCCP transferred accounts – the renewal process

Along with completing renewal, you are required to complete the transfer of your RCCP account. This includes checking all of the information in the sections marked with a red X and filling in any information that was not able to be transferred. Full details can be found below.


Personal Details:

Please ensure your personal details are all correct and up to date. If your specialism says ‘no longer valid’ please email to request us to update your specialism.


Please read the information in this section and select COMPLETE to confirm you have read and understood the information.

Professional Identity:

Please add the details of any Professional Bodies you are a member of (this does not mean your previous RCCP details). If you have no memberships, please select NO. The Private Practise question is mandatory.

Education and Training:

Your qualifications will be transferred into the drop-down menu, please do not delete them as they won’t be able to be added back into the drop-down menu if you do. There is no requirement for you to upload any certificates in the Education and Training section. This section needs to be manually closed, please email to request this.

Career Details:

Please fill in your employment history for the last 10 years.


There is no requirement for you to upload any  ID or DBS in the Documents section. This section needs to be manually closed, please email to request this.

Good Character and Health:

Please answer all of the questions in this section, and select COMPLETE.


Please read this section carefully and select COMPLETE to confirm you have read and accept the terms of the Declaration.


Please cancel your old direct debit with the RCCP with your bank and set up a new one here.

Monitoring Information:

Please answer all of the questions in this section, and select COMPLETE.

Once you have selected COMPLETE on all of the sections marked with a red X, please select COMPLETE APPLICATION and this will submit your renewal. Payment will be triggered once you have done this and payment usually clears within 10 days. Your certificate will be available to download once payment has cleared.

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