Registration Fees

The fee to join the HSS Register is £50, for a 12-month period of registration.  The fee is non-refundable.

The annual renewal fee is £50.  The fee is non-refundable.

Please be advised that the Registration fee and Renewal fee will increase from £50 to £60 from 1st April 2025. Those submitting a new application or renewing their existing registration before this date will still pay £50.


The decision to increase the registration fee is not taken lightly as we appreciate the cost of living is continuing to rise. The increase is necessary to ensure the long- term sustainability of the Register, building on decades of work to safeguard the continuing ability for Healthcare Scientists to Register. Being registered signals a firm commitment to patient safety and helps assure the voice of Healthcare Science continues to be heard.

Tax relief on registration fees

With effect from 6 April 2017, AHCS registrants have been able to obtain a deduction against income tax for their annual registration fees. The Academy’s name appears on the approved bodies on Gov.UK (“List 3”) as ‘Healthcare Science, Academy of’

Please note:

  • The tax relief is only available against fees paid since April 2017 and cannot be backdated.
  • If your employer has reimbursed you for your fees, or has paid them on your behalf, you cannot claim a deduction.

The following link provides guidance for Employees on claiming back tax against expenses:


The following link provides guidance for Employers covering the cost of employees’ subscriptions and professional fees:

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